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The 70th Anniversary Conference of Beijing Sport University

On the morning of October 28, the 70th Anniversary Conference of Beijing Sport University (BSU) was held at BSU Wushu and Art Auditorium.


The attendees were as follows: Gao Zhidan, Minister of the General Administration of Sport of China; You Jun, member of the Standing Committee and Secretary of the Education Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee; Wang Ruilian, Vice Minister of the General Administration of Sport of China; Oleg Matytsin, Minister of Sport of the Russian Federation; Zlatko Mateša, President of the Croatian Olympic Committee; Zhang Enzi, the first student enrolled in Beijing Sport University in 1953; Tian Maijiu, BSU alumnus enrolled in 1957, former Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of Beijing Municipal People’s Congress; Wang Jun, BSU alumnus enrolled in 1973, former Vice Minister of the General Administration of Sport of China; Pan Yongquan, BSU alumnus enrolled in 2016, Director of the Sports Bureau of Macao SAR Government; Guo Guangsheng, President of Minzu University of China; Yang Hua, former Chairperson of Beijing Sport University Council; Xu Xianghong, Director of the General Office of the General Administration of Sport of China; Shen Qianfan, Deputy Secretary of the Education Committee of Beijing Municipal Party Committee; and Hao Fenglin, Chief Inspector of the Ministry of Education of China.

Officials at all levels, guests from home and abroad, representatives from all walks of life and institutions that have shown long-standing interest in and support for the development of Beijing Sport University. BSU alumni from home and abroad, media friends and BSU faculty and students gathered on campus for celebration. They reviewed the development of BSU over the past 70 years, especially in the new era, and looked forward to the bright prospects of building BSU into a world-class sports university with Chinese characteristics.



Zhang Jian, President of Beijing Sport University, addressed the conference. He looked back on the glorious history of Beijing Sport University over the past 70 years. He said that standing at a new starting point of the 70th Anniversary, Beijing Sport University will keep in mind its missions, forge ahead on a new journey with greater determination and confidence in the new era.

BSU has received many congratulatory letters from universities and colleges at home and abroad, including letters from Peking University, Tsinghua University, Beihang University, Wuhan University, Sichuan University as well as from government bodies, public institutions and enterprises such as the People’s Government of Hainan Province, institutions directly affiliated with the General Administration of Sport of China, social organizations of sports in China, and other partner institutions. At the same time, international sports organizations such as the IOC, FIBA, ITTF and WCF have sent their congratulatory videos.


Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee and honorary professor of Beijing Sport University, sent his congratulation via a video message.


Guo Guangsheng, President of Minzu University of China, delivered a speech.


Bill Flanagan, President of the University of Alberta (Canada), sent his congratulation via a video message.


Bao Mingxiao, professor and doctoral supervisor at Beijing Sport University, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, delivered a speech as the representative of faculty members.


Zhu Xueying, graduate student of the Champion Class enrolled in 2023 and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics women’s trampoline champion, delivered a speech as the representative of students.


Oleg Matytsin, Minister of Sport of the Russian Federation, and Zlatko Mateša, President of the Croatian Olympic Committee delivered speeches as representatives of international alumni.

Oleg Matytsin congratulated Beijing Sport University on its 70th anniversary. He appreciated the contributions made by BSU in sports, education, and science and hoped that BSU would make new achievements in sports and scientific research and continue to flourish.


Zlatko Mateša expressed his congratulations in his speech.


You Jun, member of the Standing Committee and Secretary of the Education Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, delivered a speech.

You Jun pointed out that standing at a new historic starting point, Beijing Sport University should build on the mission of the times, seize opportunities, take on challenges, and write a new chapter of high-quality development in building the country and developing Beijing in the new era.


Gao Zhidan, Minister of the General Administration of Sport of China, delivered a speech.

Gao Zhidan said that the General Administration of Sport of China would continue to support Beijing Sport University with more space, better platforms and guarantees for its development. He hoped that Beijing Sport University would take its 70th Anniversary as a new starting point to assume responsibilities of the times, live up to the mission of building the country, be firm in fighting through barriers, and strengthen its ability to sail the waves, working tirelessly to achieve the goal of building China into a leading sporting nation and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

In the new era, Beijing Sport University will take on the mission of nurturing talents for the country, adhere to the sports-oriented approach, center on the high-quality development of sports, accelerate the building of a world-class sports university with Chinese characteristics, joining hands to strive for excellence in the future!



