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Technology Empowering High-quality Sports Development: The 3rd Belt and Road Physical Education and Sports Forum

On Oct. 29, the 3rd Belt and Road Physical Education and Sports Forum, themed on Technology Empowering High-quality Sports Development, was held at Beijing Sport University. The forum was co-hosted by China Sport Science Society and University of Worcester. Renowned scholars, representatives of international sports organizations and students from China, the United Kingdom, Serbia, Spain, the United States, Croatia, Italy, Hungary gathered together to discuss how advanced science and technology empowers global cooperation and innovation in physical education.


Opening Ceremony

Gao Feng, Vice President of Beijing Sport University, moderated the opening ceremony. He said that since the establishment of the Belt and Road Physical Education Forum in 2019, Beijing Sport University has always been committed to building it into a "network" connecting friends in the field of physical education from countries and regions involved in the Belt and Road Initiative and the rest of the world, via which world-renowned scholars and leaders can participate in the discussion of forefront issues in the field. With this platform, we hope to further deepen cooperation and carry out more exchanges in physical education with countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative, including institutional exchanges, talent development, scientific research, sports training and competition.


Online Speech by David Green, Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive of the University of Worcester.


Speech by Michael Thomas Donovan, Pro Vice Chancellor for Partnerships of the University of Worcester.


Online speech by Almir Gruhn, President of Fédération Internationale D´Éducation Physique (FIEPS).


Zhang Jian, President of Beijing Sport University and Vice Chairman of China Sport Science Society, reviewed the history of the Belt and Road Physical Education and Sports Forum in his speech. He said that Beijing Sport University will continue to take the forum as an opportunity to pool wisdom from China and the world to facilitate theoretical research in physical education and in sports science and technology, so as to join hands with countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative to promote common development and prosperity in sports and technology.


Gao Feng, Vice President of Beijing Sport University, moderated the opening ceremony.

Keynote Speeches


After the opening ceremony, the following speakers delivered keynote speeches. Prof. Huang Hansheng of Fujian Normal University, member of the Academic Development Strategy Advisory Committee of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council of China; Prof. Saša T. Jakovljević, University of Belgrade; Prof. Ji Liu, Dean of the School of Physical Education and Health, East China Normal University; Prof. Manuel Sillero Quintana, the Polytechnic University of Madrid; Prof. Bao Mingxiao, Dean of the China Sports Policy Research Institute of Beijing Sport University; and Prof. Alejandro Vaquera Jiménez, Deputy Dean of Sports Sciences of University of Leon and Visiting Professor at the University of Worcester.


Prof. Huang Hansheng mainly discussed two parts in his keynote speech. First, in-depth understanding of the historical achievements of Chinas discipline construction and talent development in sports science in the new era. Second, taking the initiative to undertake the new mission of discipline construction and talent development in sports science on the new journey.


Prof. Saša T. Jakovljević focused on Possible Problems in Periodization of Training in Team Sports — Example from Basketball. He pointed out that the development of sports talents needs to be individualized and differentiated, catering to each students needs.


Prof. Ji Liu shared on the topic of Application and Prospect of Digital Technology in Sports and Health Field. He discussed the significance of the development of digital sports from three aspects: the concept, the development background and the current development status of digital sports.


On the topic of New Technologies Applied to Sport, Prof. Manuel Sillero Quintana introduced the use of technology in team sports, individual sports, sports for the disabled, mass media, referees and general training. He specifically shared case studies on the application of thermal imaging technology in injury prevention, recovery process monitoring and training load quantification for athletes.


Prof. Bao Mingxiao shared on the topic of The Core Driving Force for High-quality Development of Sports. The speech mainly focused on three aspects: the strategic significance of accelerating the construction of digital sports, the main problems existing in the current construction of digital sports in China, and suggestions for accelerating the construction of digital sports in China.


Prof. Alejandro Vaquera Jiménez discussed the use of the technology in modern basketball. He believed that efforts should be made to constantly explore how to use technology to assist basketball players, coaches and referees to improve .



The keynote speech session was moderated by Hong Ping, Vice President of Beijing Sport University.



At the same time, five sub-forums were held under the theme of Technological Innovation Boosting Competitive Sports Development, Technology Boost for National Fitness and Health Campaign, Technological Innovation Empowering the Transformation and the Development of the Sports Industry, Integration of Sports and Education to Boost High-Quality Development of Youth Sports, and Including all young people in Physical Education and Sport: the Role of Technology. Scholars shared their scientific research achievements in related fields centering on the blueprint and vision of coordinated development and deep integration of sports and technology.

The participants were engaged in extensive and in-depth discussions on each sub-theme, and they commented that this was a highly rewarding academic journey. Through exchanges in such an inclusive sport academic community, they have obtained full academic nourishment. They shared the common hope to further strengthen academic cooperation in the future, and were willing to work hand in hand to promote innovation in the field of sports science and technology, and contribute to higher, faster and stronger development in global sports.