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The 7th University Presidents Forum on Physical Education and Sports

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of Beijing Sport University, the 7th University Presidents Forum on Physical Education and Sports was held in BSU Wushu and Art Auditorium on October 28.

The forum included two sessions: Keynote Speech and Panel Discussions. With the theme of Universitys Mission and Sporting Values, the forum has invited presidents, experts, faculty members and students from sport universities in Germany, Japan, Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom to discuss the values of sports and the mission of universities in the new era, embarking on a new journey of higher education with joint efforts. The forum was moderated by Gao Feng, Vice President of Beijing Sport University.






Speakers shared their ideas in the session of Keynote Speech. The keynote speakers were as follows: Zhang Jian, President of Beijing Sport University; Heiko Strüder, President of German Sport University Cologne; Takanori Ishii, President of Nippon Sport Science University; Sergey Seyranov, Rector of Russian University of Sport; Mao Lijuan, President of Shanghai University of Sport; Mary-Beth Cooper, President of Springfield College; Rachel Thomson, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience) of Loughborough University.


Embracing Modernization: Sporting Values in Modern Times


Zhang Jian, President of Beijing Sport University

Centering on modernization, Zhang Jian talked about the goals of building a major sporting nation based on the perception of sporting values. Aiming at the needs of building a major sporting nation, sport universities are not supposed to rest on their laurels and lose their voice in the process of sports modernization. Rather, they should play a bigger role. Sport universities are duty-bound to achieve sporting values.

Aspects on the Development of Sport Universities and Sport Science


Heiko Strüder, President of German Sport University Cologne

Heiko Strüder pointed out that interdisciplinary collaboration in certain areas is an important path for the development of sport universities and the success of sport science. Sport universities must provide a great variety of degree programs in order to prepare students for a diverse job market, help students face global challenges, and contribute to sport science.

Expanding the Value of Sports in Japan and the Role of Nippon Sport Science University


Takanori Ishii, President of Nippon Sport Science University

Takanori Ishii introduced the social development in Japan. The aging population and the declining birth rate are major social issues facing Japan. Japan places high expectations on physical education and sports, which hopefully will help prolong life expectancy, improve peoples health and fitness, and thus reduce medical costs.

Development of Student Sports in Russia


Sergey Seyranov, Rector of Russian University of Sport GTSOLIFK

In order to promote the development of university sports and improve the lifestyle of young people in Russia, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation established the Russian Student Sport Union (RSSU). Sergey Seyranov, president of the RSSU, shared with audience the sports development among Russian university students.

Looking to the Future and Pursuing Excellence: How to Accelerate the Development of First-class Sports Disciplines and First-class Sports Universities

Mao Lijuan, President of Shanghai University of Sport

Mao Lijuan pointed out that Universitys Mission and Sporting Values is an important theme that sport universities should always reflect on and take actions accordingly. She shared her thoughts on the future development of higher education in physical education and sport universities from direction, strategies, and actions.

Sports as a Platform to Deliver Our Mission


Mary-Beth Cooper, President of Springfield College

Springfield College is a traditional sport university with a long history and the birthplace of basketball. Mary-Beth Cooper believed that humanities are critical for students in sport universities, and that universities should better guide and educate students in various aspects such as thought, spirit, and physical education to develop future talents so that they can serve the whole society.

Using Our Sporting Ethos to Shape Our Future


Rachel Thomson, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience) of Loughborough University

Rachel Thomson spoke on scientific research, teaching projects, and facilities. She pointed out that the power and influence of sports lie within every scientific research that has impacts on health, social justice, and the Earth. In sport universities, the breadth of subjects and the depth of teaching content are critical.


Gao Feng, Vice President of Beijing Sport University moderated the forum

Panel Discussion

Three panel discussions were held in the afternoon afterwards. The topics were High-quality Talents Development in Sports, High-quality Scientific Research in Sports, and High-quality Sports Training and Competition.

High-quality Talents Development in Sports


High-quality Scientific Research in Sports


High-quality Sports Training and Competition


The University Presidents Forum on Physical Education and Sports is an open platform for exchanging cutting-edge ideas, leading sports development, and sharing achievements and wisdom. It is also a brand of Beijing Sport University to pool academic and talent strength for developing international cooperation and exchanges in sports